Speedy Route Tips and Tricks #9

Location Notes

Speedy Route allows you to store notes against every location in your route (except the start and finish locations), and the notes for a location can be viewed or edited by clicking the 'Notes' link at the right hand side of each location address.

You can use the notes field for anything that is useful to store against a location, e.g.:

  • Customer or Order number
  • Phone number
  • Spreadsheet reference number, etc.

Location Notes

Location notes are also included in calculated route directions, e.g. in the Order number example below:
Notes included in Calculated Route Directions

Bulk Import

Notes can be bulk imported along with location address, by using the format per line:

Location Address | Accompanying Notes

Where the vertical bar | symbol is the 'pipe' character found on your keyboard when you press Shift and the backslash \ key.

See an example below Bulk Importing 6 addresses in the UK with accompanying notes (Order reference numbers):

Bulk Add Locations with Notes 

After importing, the addresses have been resolved, and accompanying location notes are displayed on the map when a location pin is clicked:

Imported Locations with Notes

You can click the 'Show All Places' link to quickly show all the notes associated with each location:

Imported Notes

Importing Spreadsheets

If you want to import location addresses and accompanying notes from a spreadsheet, ensure that the notes column is to the right of the address column, and also insert a 'separator' column which contains the | 'pipe' character in every row, e.g.:

Source Spreadsheet with Locations and Notes
Then select the area of rows and columns containing the collection of addresses, separator, and notes that you need, and copy to the clipboard. Open the Bulk Add popup within Speedy Route and paste in the addresses with notes, and click Add Locations.

You're now a location Notes expert!


  1. Would love to be able to pass addresses in the URL as paramaters.

  2. Notes are not exported to GPX. We put company name into the notes field as suggested. My Sales Person now doesn't know which address is for which company when viewed on the Garmin.

  3. Agree, would like the notes field exported to a GPX file too for the same reason.

    Additionally would love the number of minutes between each address to be exported into the CSV file if possible.

  4. is there a way to download just the route number and the postcode, or can i format it in anyway?

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